Benchmarking the Australian BA
There have been a number of projects conducted that provide crucial information about the current state of play of the Australian Bachelor of Arts program - a program that remains one of the most pervasive programs in the Australian higher education landscape. These projects have provided a snapshot in time, enabling tracking and tracing the constant evolution of the program.
Articles stemming from research:
Towards a Curriculum Typology for Australian Generalist Arts Degree Programmes
Gannaway, Deanne (2010) Journal of Further and Higher Education 4 2: 149-163. doi:10.1080/03098771003695437
The Bachelor of Arts: slipping into the twilight or facing a new dawn?
Gannaway, Deanne (2015) Higher Education Research and Development, 34 2: 298-310. doi:10.1080/07294360.2014.956689