Project Team: Deanne Gannaway, Karen Sheppard, Carmen Garratt, Coco Bu
Project overview
The project aims to investigate what students expect to learn as part of the BA program and what they expect to do with their degree after they complete the program. It seeks to explore what experiences, knowledges, skills and mindsets BA students anticipate will come from engaging in a BA program. This project uses social media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram) to connect with existing UQ BA students.
Research Questions
The primary contact for the project is Dr Deanne Gannaway. She can be contacted via email at [email protected]. In the event that Dr Gannaway is unavailable, Karen Sheppard can be contacted via email at [email protected]. Yitong Bu and Carmen Garratt are student Winter Scholars engaged in the fellowship research as part of their scholarship.
Project information for Participants
Project overview
The project aims to investigate what students expect to learn as part of the BA program and what they expect to do with their degree after they complete the program. It seeks to explore what experiences, knowledges, skills and mindsets BA students anticipate will come from engaging in a BA program. This project uses social media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram) to connect with existing UQ BA students.
Research Questions
- Why do BA students study a BA degree?
- What do BA students expect to do with their degree after they complete the program?
- Do BA students in later years expect different outcomes compared to the 1st Year BA students?
The primary contact for the project is Dr Deanne Gannaway. She can be contacted via email at [email protected]. In the event that Dr Gannaway is unavailable, Karen Sheppard can be contacted via email at [email protected]. Yitong Bu and Carmen Garratt are student Winter Scholars engaged in the fellowship research as part of their scholarship.
Project information for Participants
- As part of the 2017 Winter Research Project ‘Exploring BA students’ expectations using Social Media’, researchers have established a closed Facebook group to connect with existing UQ BA students:
- Participants must be currently enrolled in or recently graduated from a BA or similar degree at UQ (includes honours, double degree, Bachelor of International Studies students etc.)
- Participation will involve responding to stimulus (such as questions, polls and photos) posted by the researchers from throughout August and September 2017
- For every stimulus that participants respond to, participants will be entered into the draw to win one of 15 x $10 Merlo Coffee gift cards once (e.g. respond to 3 stimuli and your name will be entered 3 times). One entrant can therefore be entered in the draw a maximum of 4 times if they respond to each of the 4 stimulus topics.
- Participants do not have to participate in all discussions, but must respond to at least 1 stimulus to go in the draw.
- Participants who join the group in the middle of the posting period are welcome to respond to previously posted stimuli and will be entered into the draw for doing so.
- Winners will be randomly drawn on the 30th September 2017 and then contacted via the Facebook account winners used in the group with details on how to collect their gift card.
- Participants may choose to opt out of the group at any time if they wish to do so.
- For demographic analysis, participants will be asked for their:
- Degree
- Majors (if known)
- If they are 1st year or later year
- If they are domestic or international students
- Participants are welcome to respond to other members’ comments or reply to follow up questions
- Participants must be respectful and any disrespectful/abusive online behaviour will be removed and/or reported
- The group may continue to be used to share information and opportunities after the research questions have been completed. Participants remain free to opt out of the group at any time.
- you will be asked to participate in an online Facebook discussion group. Responses and discussions will be recorded in text form for later analysis. Recorded responses will be de-identified where possible
- data will be securely stored at The University of Queensland. Only the research team will have access to this data.
- information gained during the study may be published.
- whilst it is not possible to guarantee personal data will not be disclosed, efforts will be made to minimise this risk through limiting collection of personal data or removing irrelevant data after collection
- you may withdraw your participation in the project at any stage without prejudice and any data collected will be destroyed in this case
- you can review a summary of project findings
- you have read the online Information Statement and you understand and consent to be involved in the project Making Connections: Future Proofing the Australian Bachelor of Arts