This pages identifies the Outcomes of a BA degree - metanalysis of all the projects undertaken throughout Dr Gannaways career to understand, identify and conceptualise the most general of the generalist degrees.
results of the findings (collating different research projects), different ways of looking at the same results
The foundation of the research undertaken by Dr Deanne Gannaway and her team centres on the changing landscape of the Australian BA. The last two decades have seen dramatic transformations to the face of generalist degrees within the Australian eduction environment. Studying these changes across and between national institutions, Dr Gannaway and her team have compiled an extensive body of research to understand and track these trends, and to predict the potential consequences and transformations into the future.
Tracking changes/ evolution in the Australian BA by providing snapshots of the state of play at particular points in time.
- To understand the nature and structure of a BA degree in contemporary Australia.
- To map trends in BA programs on offer in Australia since 2001.
- To identify the major strengths, challenges, capabilities and contributions of BA degrees.
- To provide rich comparative data on the models of BAs to be accessible for future curriculum planning for Arts Faculties.
Tracking changes/ evolution in the Australian BA by providing snapshots of the state of play at particular points in time.